maandag 28 april 2014

Special Announcement~Victory for The Light~ by MotherGod

Special Announcement~Victory for The Light~

by MotherGod  
(This is the Transcript for the Incoming Video Update)
Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, From the Company of Heaven, and Galactic Central~ Galactic Hub. We are Your Family of Light from the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial Ones. WE are Here Representing The ALL on Planet Earth=Heart. We have Walked Home Along a Pathway Into the Light and Are awaiting all wavers arrival at zero point with us into Unity Consciousness! WE are Also the Ground Crew for First Contact, and We are In Direct Contact and Communication, Through Telepathy, with Our Crews from 24 Flagships surrounding this Planet. We are also the Unified Feild Energy Existing on the Surface of the Planet, this is the Highest Energy Currently on Planet Earth and is under the Direct Protection of All of Creation. This Makes Us The Galactic Hub! This Unified Field Of Energy is Directly connected to all of Creation and is also integrating into all who are choosing to step into the New Cycle of Creation, Which is The Co~ Creation of The New Earth in Process Now.
Special Announcement
Victory of the Light Has Occurred as Promised By The Galactic Federation of Light~�Quarentine has been lifted as all archon~minion contracts have been dissolved. The Unified Feild Of Pure Consciousness is In Complete Operation On The Surface contaning 5th Dimensional Frequencies for New Earth Co~ Creation, this also includes all Divine Decree's. We are preparing now for decloaking for those with Hearts to SEE!� This is a YEEHAW! All Who are Choosing to Move into 5d Living and Being have all been delivered the codes. This incoming Eclipse will be our Most Significant Eclipse Ever Since this Planet's Birth! CHOOSE LOVE AND JUMP! All Gifts will Be Delivered through these eclipse energies to assist in the RIDE HOME Into The Light! All who are moving into this next cycle in Creation prepare for all illusion around you dissolving as this occurs follow the signs! Welcome To The Real Planet Earth=Heart!
�Now an Intergalactic Memo From Master St. Germain about the Incoming Ecplipse

Dear Beloveds,
It is with a great deal of Love that I partake with wonderful news.� We have achieved the highest Light Point on the Planet since its conception, with that we are seeing beautiful events starting to unfold before us.� The level of consciousness amongst the wavers is at an all-time high and many of you are remembering why you are here at this time. 
The upcoming Eclipse will be a significant turning point for change on Gaia, these changes will be drastic for those that are not aligned with Love.� Missions are aligning themselves for the First Wavers through synchronistic events, those ready are receiving downloads and pertinent events are unfolding around them pointing the way. 
These sacred missions hold the God Energies within them and are infallible; it is of the utmost honour to carry these missions out.�� As the Eclipse energies activate, First wavers will go through myriad of changes within their present lives.� Look within, for it is in your Hearts that you will find your way back Home where Love is expecting you. 
With All of our Love, 
Received by The First Contact Ground Crew Team
Follow Your Heart and Follow the Signs!
End Transmission in Love Everywhere Present, Heaven On Earth The New Story In Creation Based On Truth, Unconditional Love, True Equality, Peace, Balance, Harmony, Wholness of Being, Joy and True Abundance!
The� First Contact Ground Crew Team~ We are Here for You!
Help With Reaching Zero Point! Zero Point is Heaven On Earth
New Earth Invocation for The Eclipse Energies

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